Скин PLi-DarkOS

Автор Serjoga, 04 Жовтень 2023, 13:14:02

Попередня тема - Наступна тема

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От DimitarCC

PLi-DarkOS is WIP Skin
first public version of the skin.
The skin is designed only for Python 3 version of OpenPLi.
The installation is manual for the moment. (you have to copy the content of the zip in relevant folders on the box)
I am NOT responsible for any issues that you may get once you install the skin.
The skin has python part that overwrites several core OpenPLi files. That is required to achieve better look.
путин Хуйло
Philips (75PUS8505/12)
Dreambox DM 920
Samsung UE55MU6172UXXH
Amazone Fire Stick 4K


New version is v.0.9.4

- [Fixed] Problem with multiboot menu entry

Thanks DimitarCC
путин Хуйло
Philips (75PUS8505/12)
Dreambox DM 920
Samsung UE55MU6172UXXH
Amazone Fire Stick 4K


Пробовал установить версию 0.9.3. Симпатичный, но тормоза на моем Гениусе жуткие. Ну и после полного перезагруза - вечный boot, пришлось переустанавливать имидж.


Цитата: Serjoga від 05 Жовтень 2023, 12:18:44
New version is v.0.9.4
Те же яйца - boot и перепрошивка имиджа. У кого-то вообще заработал данный скин? Если нет, то может его убрать отсюда как нерабочий?


Цитата: Demo від 09 Жовтень 2023, 10:53:43Если нет, то может его убрать отсюда как нерабочий?
Работает, попробуй эту версию, пофиксено по нажатию MENU был креш....
На твой рес вопще есть имидж от плишников 9.0rc?
путин Хуйло
Philips (75PUS8505/12)
Dreambox DM 920
Samsung UE55MU6172UXXH
Amazone Fire Stick 4K


Цитата: Serjoga від 04 Жовтень 2023, 13:14:02The skin is designed only for Python 3 version of OpenPLi.
Не досмотрел сразу)) Ясно, в чем траблы.


New version of the skin has been released 0.9.7.

- [Updated] Changed name of the skin to E2-DarkOS (since it will be possible to be installed on other distros as well)
- [Updated] Removed most of python files that overwrites core enigma python files. Since some changes are being included in OpenPLi code that is/will be not needed anymore.
- [Updated] Updated some screens to be more light so to be possible the skin to work well on other STBs except on Vu+ (this is still in progress)

!!! WARNING !!!
For users that going to install that on OpenPLi 9.0rc, since the changes required for the skin are not in 9.0rc build (but are/will be only in nightly) you have to add some files manually.
For that use dark-os-openpli-9.0rc-compatability.zip and copy the files manually in relevant directories on the box.

Thanks DimitarCC
путин Хуйло
Philips (75PUS8505/12)
Dreambox DM 920
Samsung UE55MU6172UXXH
Amazone Fire Stick 4K


New version is up (

От DimitarCC
Due to the release of 9.0 of OpenPLi the changes are postponed to later so the compatibility package is still needed.
путин Хуйло
Philips (75PUS8505/12)
Dreambox DM 920
Samsung UE55MU6172UXXH
Amazone Fire Stick 4K


Due to some wrong file in the compatibility package i post here again the ipk and fixed compatibility package.
путин Хуйло
Philips (75PUS8505/12)
Dreambox DM 920
Samsung UE55MU6172UXXH
Amazone Fire Stick 4K


New version:

- changed some icons
- optimize screens to use one and same template where needed
- changed BoxLogo renderer so to be used in applets
- changed MessagesBox to be dynamic and to respect box logo
- small cleanup

As usual the compatibility package is needed for users of OpenPLi 9.0 RC.

Thanks DimitarCC
путин Хуйло
Philips (75PUS8505/12)
Dreambox DM 920
Samsung UE55MU6172UXXH
Amazone Fire Stick 4K



first release version of the skin
Ofcource development is not completed and skin will be further improved.
The skin is in the feed of OpenPLi Nightly and works only with it.

Thanks DimitarCC
путин Хуйло
Philips (75PUS8505/12)
Dreambox DM 920
Samsung UE55MU6172UXXH
Amazone Fire Stick 4K