Имидж Peter Pan для DM900

Автор сергей 999s, 16 Березень 2021, 09:55:39

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сергей 999s

Peter Pan Neverland DM900 Ultra HD

seagen wrote
The image Peter Pan have been around as long as there have been a Dreambox.
Old Peter Pan Team have retired and image development have been stoped.

I have now started from scratch and build up a whole new image based on the strong foundation of the old PP image
I have no Team. I am all alone in this project. I am the developer, skinner, webmaster coffy maker and janitor so have that in mind when you start using the image
I try and do my best to keep the image lightweight and fast as possible.
I have no big addons server and have no plan to fill it up.
I keep special plugins modded for PP and of cause the IPTV plugins from @KiddaC and @Lululla

So what does the image provide. Well this is no Panel Addons like most DreamOS images are today.
Image is hard coded the old school way. Image works very good in BarryAllen because of this.

As a skinner the fun part is the PP-Standard-HD skin setup plugin.
There is a lot of pre installed stuff to play with but you can easy add your own graphics
The plugin have no limits and you don't need skills. Just mix and match as you like and then
Just do the "Magic" and you have your own custom made skin produced from your RC

And a special thanks to @oktus for all his never ending help with graphics work
Also there is pre installed Oscam thanks to @levi45
Special thanks to @ftabin for his support
After installing the image allways do a PP Software update.
PP Software update are done by following this steps:
1. Open PP Meu with blue button on your remote
2. Open menu PP News & Info
3. Press blue button on your remote to start update.

With an up to date image you will allways get an message sending you to PP updates everytime you press the blue button to open PP Menu when there is updates avalible.

Thanks @ seagen


сергей 999s

Доступна версия за 17.03.2021 Тест скачать можно в первом посте темы

ЦитатаИмидж Peter Pan возвращается в Dreambox 900 UHD
Имидж все еще нестабильно и находится на стадии бета-тестирования
Образы не являются окончательной сборкой, поэтому пользователи должны предпочесть установить образ в BarryAllen.


на каналах с кириллицей при нажатии на кнопку инфо(расширенное эпг )рес падает в зелень..пока автор решение не нашёл не знаю на кой им эта строчка кодирование декодирование ..
но короче есть два решения этого косяка идём по пути /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/GraphMultiEPG
открываем файл GraphMultiEpg.py  и удаляем или закоментировать(#) стоку 377 потом рестарт энигмы и всё нормуль
или берём в аттаче  разархивируем и меняем  GraphMultiEpg.py  также рестарт энигмы..первый скрин после удаления строчки  второй замена файла.
кому как нравится или удобней ;)
з.ы. этот косяк как на первой версии имиджа так и на обновлённой
"Only a strong-minded person scores a dick on everything and everyone that is against him"