Имидж Black Hole (для VU+ Uno4k SE)

Автор сергей 999s, 07 Жовтень 2020, 11:19:20

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сергей 999s

BLACKHOLE 3.1.0 Multistream

Add Duo4K SE Support
Various bug fixed and tweaks in the background
This Image has the latest drivers but CAN be installed in OpenMultiboot. The image does not need to be installed in flash.

This latest version of the Black Hole series has been updated and improved for maximum stability and performance.

Please note that of all images Black Hole now has the best epg system:

- Integrated OpenEpg

- CrossEPG supported

- EPG Import supported

Main functions of the buttons on the remote

OK button = Skin with simple information

OK button x 2 = Extra Info Skin

Blue button = Black Hole Blue Panel

Blue button and then Red button = Black Hole Epg Panel

Blue button and then Yellow button = System Monitor Panel

Blue button long press = Extensions

Yellow button = Audio menu

Green button = Black Hole Green Panel

Green button long press = Subservices

Green button and then Red button = Fast Plugin Setup

Green button x 2 = Fast Plugin

Button Red short press= access HbbTv functions

Button Red long press= Red Panel (Parallel Universes Teleportation)


Green button and then Yellow button takes you to:-

Dedicated server for BlackHole addons

Download and install additional packages from the Black Hole server

Infobar / OSD

Analog Clock Gui

Channel orbital location

Advanced Tuner Info: Sr Freq Pol Fec

Signal SNR, BER

Infobar picons

Characteristics of BlackHole Panels

Blue Panel

Extra Settings

Black Hole Speed Up

Black Hole Cron Manager (Manage schedules)

OSD Settings (OSD configuration)

Devices Manager

Usb Format Wizard

Kernel Modules Manager(Kernel module operator)

Inadyn Settings (Configure Inadyn)

Swap File Settings (Configure File Swap)

Hard Disk Settings (Configure Hard Drive)

OpenVPN Panel ( OpenVPN Panel)

Samba / CIFS Panel ( Samba Panel)

NFS Server Panel ( NFS server Panel)

Telnet Panel ( Telnet Panel)

FTP Panel ( FTP Panel)

UPnP Client Djmount

UpnP Server Minidlna

Pcsc Panel

Tuner Server

Network Browse & Mountpoints

Info Panel

1 - Gui Setting (Gui configurations)

2 - Service Information (information system)

3 - About (info)

Memory (Memory)

Space (capacity)

CPU (processor)

Process (process)

EPG Panel

Global settings (global settings EPG)

Setting Provider (ISP settings)

Green Panel

Fast Plugin Setup (Configure quick access to your favourite plugin)

Fast Plugin (Access your favourite plugin)

Addons (added)

Addons Download Manager (Manager for package downloading)

Online Feeds Settings update

Online Black Hole image update

Manual Install BH packges (Manual installation of Black Hole packages)

Manual Install IPK packages (Manual installation of IPK packages)

Addons Uninstall Panel (Uninstalled packages)

Black Hole Statistics (See connections, top downloads and more)

Characteristics of BlackHole Panels

Red Panel

BH Parallel Universe Teleportation





ServiceApp and Exteplayer3 are both external plugins, and are not part of the BH image, therefore any users that do not want / need to use these plugins, can remove them via the BH SpeedUp panel.


Thanks to MX3L for ServiceApp https://github.com/mx3L/serviceapp/tree/develop

Thanks to SamSamSam for Exteplayer3 https://github.com/e2iplayer/exteplayer3

Thanks to dpeddi for patching ServiceApp and Exteplayer3 to work on BH.

Thanks to Pedro_Newbie for Backup script.

Thanks to the group of Beta Testers.

Thanks to Rytec for providing us with the server with all epg.dat files.

Thanks to MaxZ4 for Integrated EPG loader.
Thanks to Skaman for Cross EPG

Thanks to Lukkino (VDR-Italy) for the source code of OpenTV.

Thanks to Reinh@rd for the file satellites.xml.

Thanks to Littlesat and Pli Team for the original autolanguage and subtitle options code



Извените,но жизнь заставила задать вопрос по BH 3.1.0.при установке  Russia Media Park.-ресивер требует установить бинарный файл Duk tape ,где отыскать этого зверя и главное эта проблема только для Black Hole. ресивер vu+uno4kse будьте добры подскажите путь к решению проблемы,с уважением sviridov55


Цитата: sviridov55 від 03 Квітень 2021, 12:20:27
Russia Media Park.
Этот плагин, и все плагины и работы данного автора на этом форуме не обсуждаются. Все вопросы по его работам, задавайте на форуме автора.


Ребята кто нибудь может зайти на официальный сайт Black Hole? Второй день страница не найдена.

сергей 999s

Nikei, они сервер поменяли, вот пробуй зайти



сергей 999s да так и есть,все заходит нормально.