Имидж OpenTR для VU+ Ultimo

Автор сергей 999s, 12 Грудень 2019, 10:12:41

Попередня тема - Наступна тема

0 Користувачі і 1 Гість дивляться цю тему.

сергей 999s

OpenTR 7.2

Скрины имиджа можно посмотреть здесь

ЦитатаOpenTR 7.2 is based & built on the OpenPLi develop branch

Build Date: 11/12/19

Button Changes

Green = Plugin Browser

Installed Skins

Default skin = Sat-Linux FullHD Skin

MetrixHD Skin

Installed Plugins

TurkVod V10.x

Jedi Maker Xtrem

Levi45 multicam manager V6.3

Levi45 emukeys updater V6.3

Levi45 addons panel V2.6

GStreamer Version 1.14.4

Open Multi boot

Whether Plugin


Log in root no password set

Big thanks goes to @Ten Below Thank you for everything mate
Thank you @mamba65 for Sat-Linux FullHD Skin

Thank you kiddac for Jedi Maker Xtrem

Thank you @TurkVod team

Thank you @FurkanB for default picon png and Bootlogo

Thank you @All Authors for anything used in this image

Please not that we are not responsible for any issue may you have by this image , please use with your own risk.
