Total Commander

Автор сергей 999s, 10 Травень 2018, 10:36:19

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сергей 999s


Total Commander - это самый мощный и стабильный файловый менеджер для Windows. Total Commander продолжает добрую традицию двухпанельных файловых менеджеров, но отличается повышенным удобством и функциональностью, поддерживает плагины, имеет множество встроенных полезных инструментов.

Программа обрабатывает архивы и позволяет Вам легко копировать файлы в архив и из него. Включает в себя расширенное копирование, перемещение, переименование, и удаление полных деревьев; поддержку drag-and-drop; утилиту запуска, которая позволяет Вам размещать часто используемые программы в выпадающее меню; FTP-клиент; прямой доступ к Сетевому окружению; история посещаемых директорий и запускаемых файлов, способность разбивать большие файлы на небольшие части и объединять их.

Возможна печать каталогов и деревьев, просмотр файлов в юникоде и шестнадцатеричном виде, а также просмотр HTML во встроенном просмотрщике и многое другое.

Total Commander 9.12 final

23.11.17 Fixed: Get \\tsclient shares during remote desktop session using Unicode functions (64)
22.11.17 Fixed: Position and size of background copy dialog (F5-Enter-Background) could be wrong on Windows 10 Creators Update (32/64)
22.11.17 Fixed: Drag the copy progress dialog (F5-Enter) to secondary screen with different DPI -> size wasn't changed (64)
21.11.17 Fixed: If the option EditNewName=name was set to a placeholder string, e.g. EditNewName=<[YMD].txt, the placeholders were not resolved on Shift+F4 (32/64)
21.11.17 Fixed: 32-bit color drive icons with transparency still used the first pixel as transparent color for the drive buttonbar (64)
21.11.17 Fixed: Printing didn't work when starting TC with command line parameters starting with / (e.g. /i=ini file) (64)
21.11.17 Fixed: The initial window size of resizable dialogs (e.g. synchronize dirs, multi-rename tool etc.) was too small on high dpi screens (64)
21.11.17 Fixed: Synchronize dirs, copy attributes (via right click menu): Couldn't copy timestamp if target had read only attribute (32/64)
21.11.17 Fixed: Internal associations pointing to different packers didn't work any more, e.g. *.exe -> "7zip packer", **7z (32/64)


Total Commander 9.12


Total Commander 8.01 Extended 7 + Portable by BurSoft

Решил поделиться своей версией программы,которой пользуюсь уже много лет. Версия не новая,но здесь,по моему мнению,есть предустановленные программы на все случаи жизни...
Разрядность версии Windows определяется автоматически,и устанавливается под нужную разрядность тоже автоматом. Нужно только запустить exe-шный файл. В архиве две версии,полная,и облегчённая... но я ставлю себе полную.


сергей 999s

Total Commander 9.21 final

15.08.18 Fixed: Search in background: click on "Go to file" not going to files inside archives (64)
14.08.18 Fixed: FTP/FTPS via HTTP CONNECT proxy: Always send server name instead of IP address to proxy, also for data connections (can be overridden with SpecialFlags=1024) (32/64)
14.08.18 Fixed: Link overlay icons were shown for custom icons in file system plugin, e.g. for connections in SFTP (32)
13.08.18 Fixed: Crash in Lister when aborting text search with ESC (32)
13.08.18 Fixed: FTPS via HTTP CONNECT proxy: Reading directory not working after uploading a file (32/64)
10.08.18 Fixed: FTP/file system plugins: Log function could suddenly stop logging (32/64)
10.08.18 Fixed: Alt+F1, Alt+F2 drive dropdown combobox: No drive was shown after closing list with ESC (problem caused by Korean text input fix - needs to be applied to editable comboboxes only) (64)
10.08.18 Fixed: Any tree view: Icons to expand/collapse tree branches were wrong on some high DPI devices (32)
10.08.18 Fixed: Ctrl+F FTP connections: Folder icons were not displayed on high DPI screens when the file list icon size was changed (e.g. to 24x24) (32/64)
09.08.18 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Icons: Applying "Show drive icons from Explorer" didn't update Network Neighborhood, Computer and My Documents icons until after restarting TC (32/64)



21.08.18 Release Total Commander 9.21a final (32/64)

Fixed: Compare by content: Disable button "Show only differences" during comparison, otherwise clicking it in the wrong moment could cause a crash (32/64)
Fixed: Ctrl+E and ESC (only with auto-complete+auto-append disabled) no longer worked in command line (32/64)
Fixed: Icons in menus: Selected items could no longer be shown as pressed buttons instead of checkmarks after saving icon options once (32/64)
Fixed: Crash when passing path to zip file to TC (e.g. from external Everything.exe), mostly on 64-bit (32/64)
путин Хуйло
Philips (75PUS8505/12)
Dreambox DM 920
Samsung UE55MU6172UXXH
Amazone Fire Stick 4K

сергей 999s

Total Commander 9.22а final

29.03.19 Release Total Commander 9.22a final (32/64)
29.03.19 Fixed: Difficult to reproduce crash in F7 new folder inside ZIP archives (timing problem with removing progress dialog) (32/64)
27.03.19 Fixed: F7 new folder: Invalid name created when user specifies path in zip incorrectly with starting and/or trailing slash, e.g. /dir1/dir2/dir3/ (32/64)
27.03.19 Fixed: F7 new folder: ensure that the dialog isn't displayed outside of the current screen (32/64)
26.03.19 Fixed: Alt+F5 pack: Invalid name created when user specifies path in zip incorrectly with trailing forward slash, e.g. c:\test\ (32/64)
26.03.19 Fixed: Viewing LZMA-compressed files in ZIP sometimes failed with an unpack error (64)
25.03.19 Fixed: Ctrl+Q, click on active tab header of current tab above the quick view panel -> Tab no longer switched sides (32/64)
25.03.19 Fixed: Duplicating a tab which was locked with directory changes allowed could leave it with an empty name if it caused an additional line of tabs to appear (32/64)
21.03.19 Fixed: Couldn't open 7z archives with Unicode characters from different codepage (e.g. Chinese on English Windows) (64)
21.03.19 Fixed: Leaving branch view inside archive with Ctrl+B no longer went to the directory of the file under the cursor (32/64)
19.03.19 Fixed: Internal associations: **ext only worked for packer plugins, not for internal unpackers like **zip. Now also supports **internal_zip to override external packers (32/64)
19.03.19 Fixed: Opening xlsx files associated with Office 365 app (Windows 10) failed, they opened as ZIP files instead (32/64)
19.03.19 Fixed: In the following dialogs, ENTER confirmed the dialog also on other buttons like Cancel: password input, pack/unpack, other general input dialogs (64)
17.03.19 Fixed: Packing/unpacking with ace32.exe 2.6 didn't work - it expects ";" as delimiter in list file instead of line break (32/64)
17.03.19 Fixed: Do not try to unpack archives with ":" in them after the second character in them with F5 using external unpackers (32/64)
17.03.19 Fixed: Do not try to unpack ace archives with absolute paths or ..\ in them with external ace32.exe or winace.exe via Alt+F9 (32/64)
17.03.19 Fixed: Width of drive dropdown combobox (Alt+F1/Alt+F2) wrong when using screens with different DPI (32/64)
17.03.19 Fixed: Icons in file lists displayed incorrectly when moving main window to a screen with different DPI (64)


сергей 999s

Total Commander 9.50 beta 5

13.11.19 Release Total Commander 9.50 beta 5
13.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode, thumbnail view: Text thumbnails were not drawn with darker background (64)
13.11.19 Added: Dark mode: Show border around file panels when not using the option "Flat user interface" (32/64)
13.11.19 Added: New option wincmd.ini [Configuration] ScrollingMarginFlags=3 determines whether: 1: vertical lists (e.g. Full view), or 2: horizontal lists (Brief view) should be scrolled automatically, or both (32/64)
13.11.19 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Color: Explicitly refresh color combobox when choosing item from "Others" combobox (64)
13.11.19 Added: FTP, send commands: Allow to send semicolons within a command by duplicating it, e.g. CWD /test/a;;b;;c;PWD sends commands CWD /test/a;b;c and PWD  (32/64)
13.11.19 Added: Dark mode, Windows 10 1809 or newer: Add dark mode for scrollbars in the listbox part of comboboxes (e.g. Configuration - Button bar) (32/64)
13.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode, Windows 10 1809 or newer: Listboxes with horizontal scrolling (e.g. button bar change dialog, icon library selection) had light scrollbars (323)
13.11.19 Fixed: Shift+F5 in FTP connection (server to server transfer) dialog didn't work properly, e.g. copy to other server no longer worked (32/64)
13.11.19 Added: Upload from archive directly to FTP: Option to preserve timestamps if the server supports it (32/64)
12.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode: In "Unpack Specific Files" (Alt+F9), the edit box sometimes became white when one of the comboboxes opened upwards (dialog at the bottom) (32/64
12.11.19 Added: Dark mode: Always show border around current path, also when using tabs (32/64)
12.11.19 Fixed: Dialog "System information" was scaled twice on high DPI screens, so some fields were overlapping (32/64)
12.11.19 Fixed: Ctrl+Z edit comment: Do not show vertical scrollbar in dark mode (32/64)
12.11.19 Fixed: Configure custom columns: Placement of up/down button was wrong if there were many columns and the list was scrolled down (64)
12.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode: Tooltips in main window and dialogs like multi-rename were not dark (32/64)
11.11.19 Fixed: F5 copy, click on "Options", then on disk icon: added new translation for confirmation dialog (32/64)
11.11.19 Fixed: FTP toolbar: Background color of text inside the bar wrong after switching from dark to normal mode (32/64)
11.11.19 Fixed: Lister: In mode 8 (Explorer preview mode), make text "Explorer" translatable (32/64)
11.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode, verify checksums dialog: scrollbar to jump to next/previous error not dark themed (64)
11.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode, main menu: Menu items not drawn correctly when menu was higher than the screen (32/64)
11.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode: Resizing the cm_CommandBrowser window would make scrollbars and edit box white -> redraw with a timer (32/64)
10.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode, apply new language in main settings dialog: Some buttons were not shown dark (32/64)
10.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode, classic theme, flat user interface disabled: Draw frames around free/total disk space and status line in dark frame color (32/64)
10.11.19 Fixed: Windows Vista, classic theme: Main menu background remained black after switching to dark mode and back (32/64)
10.11.19 Fixed: Ctrl+Q quick view panel: Do not show error when viewing a LNK file which cannot be resolved. Show link content instead (32/64)
10.11.19 Fixed: FTP remote copy with Shift+F5 didn't work if the server supports SSCN but the user set PROT C in "Send commands" (32/64)
10.11.19 Fixed: Crash when opening main menu with icons in menu enabled, but wcmicon*.* files missing (64)
10.11.19 Fixed: Find files: Option "F2 search in found files/folders" wasn't enabled when only folders were found (32/64)
10.11.19 Fixed: Context menu for choosing archive encoding didn't have black border (the menu is always bright in 32-bit) (64)
10.11.19 Fixed: Overlay for USB drive didn't have transparent background in drive dropdown combobox (32/64)
08.11.19 Fixed: Standalone search would not start searching in the current directory when started without parameter (when there was a separate help file for that language in the language directory) (32)
08.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode, thumbnail view: Items were not drawn correctly on the line with the focus (64)
08.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode, thumbnail view: Font was wrong (32)
08.11.19 Fixed: Main menu: Checked items were no longer shown with a separate checkmark (when not showing them as pressed buttons) (64)
08.11.19 Fixed: Drag&Drop: Alt+Tab to other program during drag, then Alt+Tab back -> wrong cursor shown (64)
08.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode: Ctrl+Q Quick View panel didn't switch text and background color from/to dark mode (32/64)
08.11.19 Fixed: cm_commandbrowser: Shift+Double click on a command/Shift+Click OK didn't always correctly copy non-English characters (32/64)
08.11.19 Fixed: Context menu hanging when using internal associations with option "Load extra commands from all matching types" and one of the "open" commands wasn't * or ** (32/64)

сергей 999s

Total Commander 9.50 beta 6

20.11.19 Release Total Commander 9.50 beta 6
20.11.19 Fixed: Delete file(s) from archive: Preserve selection in opposite window (32/64)
20.11.19 Fixed: (Experimental) Configuration-Options-Font: On system locales other than Western, e.g. Cyrillic, when choosing Western encoding for a font, it wasn't saved (32/64)
20.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode: Ctrl+C in message box added extra lines by mistake (32/64)
20.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode: Move dialog box with edit box outside the screen and back: The edit box became white (32/64)
20.11.19 Fixed: On Windows 10 build 18875 and newer, a new function SetWindowCompositionAttribute needs to be called to set a dark title bar (32/64)
20.11.19 Fixed: Directory hotlist in F5 copy dialog: Relative paths were ignored (32/64)
20.11.19 Fixed: FTP download file (F5): The confirmation dialog had wrong title "Upload" (32/64)
19.11.19 Fixed: Set DPI scale factor to 72 -> dialog boxes were not scaled, although the fonts were scaled (32)
19.11.19 Added: Configuration - Options - Color: Show preview (example output) also for Lister, Compare by contents, title bars, hint windows, and dark mode (32/64)
19.11.19 Added: Configuration - Options - Color: Added translations for color preview (32/64)
19.11.19 Added: Configure hint border color (32/64)
18.11.19 Added: Use dark mode for scroll bars in "Compare by content" on Windows 10 1809 or newer (not on older versions) (32/64)
18.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode, verify checksums dialog: Listbox scrollbar not dark themed on Windows 10 1809 or newer when line height changed from default (32)
18.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode, classic theme: Checkboxes in various dialogs (edit box plus 1-3 checkboxes), e.g. in Ctrl+D, Add current directory had black text (32)
18.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode, classic theme: Checkboxes in Shift+F5 dialog had black text (32/64)
18.11.19 Fixed: Multi-rename tool, F7 new folder: New placeholders like [C] were not inserted at the cursor position on dual byte language windows (e.g. Chinese) (32/64)
18.11.19 Added: Default dark mode background color is now a bit brigher (RGB=32,32,32), the same as in the Explorer (32/64)
18.11.19 Added: Hint foreground and background color are now configurable, both in normal and in dark mode (32/64)
17.11.19 Fixed: ScrollingBottomMargin didn't always work correctly in the right panel with brief view (32/64)
15.11.19 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Color: Color comboboxes were not high enough on high DPI screens on Windows 10 1809 and newer (64)
15.11.19 Fixed: ZIP file encoding shown in tab header wasn't translated immediately when changing language (32/64)
15.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode: The scrollbar in print file list dialog still had light scrollbars on Windows 10 1809 and newer (32/64)
15.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode: The cm_CommandBrowser window still had light scrollbars on windows 10 1809 and newer (32)
15.11.19 Fixed: Nag dialog: The two "About" buttons were not bold (64)
15.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode: Starting with fresh wincmd.ini set to dark mode and empty startup directories -> line with updir item wasn't drawn (32/64)
15.11.19 Fixed: Find files in separate process: No longer add start path in the "Search in:" field when the field was empty and searching with ed: prefix (32/64)
15.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode: The system menu (Alt+Space) had white background with dark borders (32/64)
15.11.19 Fixed: The nag dialog (1-2-3) always requested the same number 1 (64)
15.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode: Some more listboxes were not dark, in: Files->Associate->Edit type->Change icon, Context menu->X64->Configure, FTP connection->Define host (Alt+Shift+Enter), Search->Drives (32/64)

сергей 999s

Total Commander 9.50 beta 7 (32+64 bit)

27.11.19 Release Total Commander 9.50 beta 7
27.11.19 Fixed: With RestrictInterface=6144, show translated "Plugins are disabled" in groupbox with not title (32/64)
27.11.19 Fixed: Copy or pack large files, click on "Background" -> background progress dialog could be outside of visible screen when using multiple monitors (32/64)
27.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode: "Edit comment" dialog called from "Change attributes" had bright title bar and scrollbar on Windows 10 1903 (32)
27.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode: icons in message box were not scaled on high DPI screens (32/64)
26.11.19 Added: Always show borders around file lists in dark mode. Can be disabled via wincmd.ini [Layout] DarkListBorders=0 (not used for classic theme) (32/64)
26.11.19 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] DriveBarHide=; hides USB devices without drive letter from drive button bar (32/64)
26.11.19 Added: Show up to 3 connected USB devices without drive letter (e.g. phones, tablets) also in drive buttonbar (32/64)
25.11.19 Added: New string for title in Configuration - Options - Color - Define colors by file type - Add... (32/64)
25.11.19 Fixed: Ctrl+C in dark mode message box didn't beep (32/64)
25.11.19 Added: Support substrings from environment variables, e.g. %variable:~2,3% skips 2 characters and then keeps 3. Negative variables are counted from the back of the string (32/64)
25.11.19 Fixed: cm_SrcViewModeList with parameter 0 didn't switch to default view mode (32/64)
25.11.19 Fixed: cm_SrcViewModeList with parameter did not work on command line (32/64)
24.11.19 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Plugins - Lister plugins: List was sorted by mistake since beta 6 (32)
24.11.19 Fixed: Alt+F7 search: Put brackets [] around directories even if both brackets and appending a backslash were disabled in settings (32/64)
24.11.19 Fixed: F7 new folder: Adding placeholders like [N] always put them at the end when the "<" character was already there (32/64)
24.11.19 Added: Load "!" overlay icon from EXE if missing in external icon library, e.g. flat_FileIcons.dll (32/64)
24.11.19 Fixed: WCMICONS.DLL: Updated so all icons are fully visible in normal and dark mode (32/64)
24.11.19 Fixed: FTP resume upload: Use command REST <size> if the server responds with an error to APPE command, and REST STREAM is returned to FEAT command (32/64)
24.11.19 Fixed: F3 on icon file with extension .bmp caused program to disappear (due to exception EInvalidGraphic, tried to delete object twice) (64)
22.11.19 Fixed: Configuration-Options-Color: The preview didn't have an inner border (64)
22.11.19 Fixed: Configuration-Options-Color: Improved preview of active and inactive title bars (higher, draw frame) (32/64)
22.11.19 Fixed: Configuration-Options-Color: Use file list font for color preview (32/64)
22.11.19 Fixed: F5 upload from archive to FTP: Labels of the options "Preserve file dates" and "Convert file names to lowercase" were reversed (32/64)
22.11.19 Fixed: Some texts in "Select duplicate files" dialog were clipped with some fonts (64)
22.11.19 Fixed: Changing scrolling margins in "Extra lines below cursor" to a new value and back to the previous one didn't work (32/64)
22.11.19 Fixed: F5 Copy: Use different title and Yes-No-Cancel buttons in F5 copy dialog for saving default overwrite options (32/64)
22.11.19 Fixed: Use larger borders in F5 copy dialog (32/64)
22.11.19 Fixed: Text "Example:" no longer shown in Configuration-Options-Color (64)
22.11.19 Fixed: ScrollingBottomMargin was ignored when selecting files with Insert key (64)
22.11.19 Fixed: Find files: When searching in search results failed due to bad search parameters (e.g. ed: prefix), the same search without this option also failed, even after clicking "New search" (32/64)

сергей 999s

Total Commander 9.50 beta 8

04.12.19 Fixed: Dark mode: Use dark scrollbars in background transfer manager on Windows 10 1809 and newer (32/64)
04.12.19 Fixed: USB drives without drive letters were not updated on newer Windows 10 versions due to a bug in SHChangeNotifyRegister (32/64)
04.12.19 Fixed: Dark mode: When starting with a virtual folder in one of the panels, the drive combobox was white (32/64)
04.12.19 Fixed: CM_LISTINTERNALONLY and CM_LIST didn't accept path in double quotes (32/64)
04.12.19 Fixed: Dark mode: Dark scrollbars were lost on Windows 10 1809 and newer when switching between brief, full, and thumbnails view, or changing DPI, which recreated the listbox (32/64)
03.12.19 Fixed: Right click menu (and middle click open) on USB drive without drive letter in drive buttonbar didn't work (32/64)
03.12.19 Fixed: FTP auto-reconnect on connection loss didn't send TYPE I before requesting the remote file size (32/64)
03.12.19 Fixed: Files - Internal associations - Edit - ">>" had the same title and text (32/64)
03.12.19 Fixed: Dark mode: Files - Internal associations - "Edit" had some remaining white dialog elements (32/64)
03.12.19 Fixed: Alt+Tab while Total Commander is in system tray -> show instance number in task switcher (32/64)
02.12.19 Fixed: Dark mode: Do not show any scrollbars for "Ignore list" edit box on older Windows versions (32/64)
02.12.19 Added: Dark mode: Add bottom line to listbox, and top line when not showing current path (32/64)
02.12.19 Fixed: Dark mode: Buttons had bright background when not using flat buttons, and the icon size was unusual, e.g. 19x19 pixels (32/64)
02.12.19 Fixed: Auto-installing plugins via pluginst.inf didn't work when archive was opened via internal association (32/64)
02.12.19 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Color: Show preview also for synchronize dirs (32/64)
01.12.19 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Color: Made items in the various color previews a bit higher (32/64)
01.12.19 Fixed: The buttonbar icon cache was always reloaded when using the older style icons from wcmicons.dll, and a line like IconDll_DEFAULT.BAR=TCNewLib1 was in [buttonbar] section from previous TC versions (32/64)
01.12.19 Fixed: Option "F2 search in found files/folders" would find a file twice if both the file and one of its parent folders were in the previous search results (32/64)
29.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode: "Edit comment" dialog called from "Change attributes" always had empty comment field on Windows 10 1903 (32)
29.11.19 Fixed: Drive button bar: USB drives with no drive letter had no icon with Explorer icons disabled (32/64)
29.11.19 Fixed: Drive button bar: Make buttons larger when the text doesn't fit, e.g. for USB drives or tsclient drives with some fonts (32/64)
29.11.19 Fixed: F5 Copy: Remove '&' underline symbol from title in F5 copy: dialog for saving default overwrite options (32/64)
29.11.19 Fixed: Support parameter 0 also for cm_LeftViewModeList and cm_RightViewModeList (32/64)
29.11.19 Added: Command line parameter support for command CM_LISTINTERNALONLY in button bar and command line (32/64)

сергей 999s

Total Commander 9.50 beta 9 (32+64 bit)

11.12.19 Fixed: Dark mode: focus rectangles on buttons were not dotted but dashed (bug in function CreatePen) (32/64)
11.12.19 Fixed: Dark mode: Configuration - Options - Ignore list still had white scrollbars on Windows 10 1809 and newer (32/64)
11.12.19 Fixed: Find files, F2 search in found files/folders: When using "current dir only", found folders were also counted as files (32/64)
11.12.19 Fixed: NOCLOSE.EXE: Do not quote command after /K when using (32)
11.12.19 Fixed: Find files - Load/Save: The list was no longer sorted alphabetically, and therefore had reduced quick search (32)
10.12.19 Fixed: Drive buttonbar: Drive icons could be invisible when they had to be scaled for higher DPI (32)
10.12.19 Fixed: In place rename (Shift+F6) was closed by mistake when pressing cursor left at leftmost position, and quick view was open (64)
10.12.19 Fixed: Compare by content: Going to next/previous difference may skip results when only showing differences with 0 extra lines (32/64)
09.12.19 Fixed: FTP connect: If AUTH TLS/SSL fails, retry with it enabled if the user confirms to retry (32/64)
09.12.19 Fixed: Configuration - Options - View Mode: Combobox "View mode" showed modes from file system plugins while in a plugin, although they cannot be set this way (32/64)
09.12.19 Fixed: FTP upload in background would send file to wrong directory if "Send commands" contained a command to change directory (32/64)
09.12.19 Added: Auto-convert sharepoint URLs like https://intranet/projects/123/ABCD/Documents/... to \\intranet\DavWWWRoot\projects\123\ABCD\Documents\... in button bar, command line etc. (32/64)
08.12.19 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Color: Preview for synchronize dirs used wrong background color if the file list background wasn't the default (32/64)
08.12.19 Fixed: Dark mode: FTP log panel didn't have dark scrollbars on Windows 10 1809 and newer (32/64)
08.12.19 Fixed: Made buttons for USB drives without drive letter 2 pixels wider (32/64)
08.12.19 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Color - Preview: Reduce font size for file lists and title bars if the list/main window font was set very large (32/64)
08.12.19 Added: cm_rereadsource: Parameter 1 forces refresh even if nothing has changed in that directory, e.g. to re-load icons and overlays (32/64)
08.12.19 Fixed: USB drives without drive letters: button could get focused when clicking on it twice (32/64)
06.12.19 Fixed: Find files - Duplicates - Feed to listbox - Select files: Second tab had different upper and lower part colors (64)
06.12.19 Fixed: Breadcrumb bar button to open dropdown list sometimes had wrong colors, e.g. after switching between normal and dark mode (32/64)

сергей 999s

Total Commander 9.50 beta 10 (32+64 bit)

18.12.19 Fixed: Compare by content: results couldn't be scrolled with the mouse wheel when using the option "Scroll inactive windows when I hover them" was enabled, but another window was in the foreground (32/64)
18.12.19 Fixed: Dark mode: Apply new dark/normal mode also to currently open background transfer manager and background copy dialogs (32/64)
17.12.19 Fixed: Dark mode: When program was started with dark mode and later switched to light mode, don't show dark context menus on Windows 10 1809 and newer in various places, mainly the file context menu (32/64)
17.12.19 Fixed: Dark mode: Lister had dark submenus on windows 10 1809 and newer when TC was started with dark mode and later switched to normal mode (32)
17.12.19 Fixed: Show fake OneDrive reparse points as <DIR> instead of <LNK>, by checking with FindFirstFile whether the value of dwReserved0 equals one of the cloud values 0x9000101A..0x9000F01A (32/64)
17.12.19 Fixed: Dark mode: Removed duplicate lines to the left/right of the current path when using folder tabs (32/64)
16.12.19 Fixed: Help: Added descriptions for various fields in [layout] section (32/64)
16.12.19 Fixed: Sorting by additional custom columns didn't work (click on first column, ctrl+click on second) (32/64)
16.12.19 Fixed: Define colors by file type: Adding a new color didn't move down the previously defined colors for dark mode (32/64)
16.12.19 Fixed: GDI leak (region) in Configuration - Options - Color when drawing color comboboxes (32/64)
16.12.19 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Color: Tab order was wrong (64)
16.12.19 Fixed: Classic theme: Turning off dark mode kept dark background in main menu when using internal English menu without icons (32/64)
16.12.19 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Color: Use COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT for "default" text in comboboxes with focus (32/64)
16.12.19 Fixed: Dark mode: focus rectangles on buttons were still dashed (not dotted) in background transfer manager and copy in background (32/64)
16.12.19 Fixed: FTP connection toolbar had dark scrollbar in normal mode when connecting in normal mode (but not when switching from dark to normal mode after connecting) (32/64)
16.12.19 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Color: Explicitly refresh color combobox when choosing item from "Others" combobox also in not dark mode (64)
13.12.19 Fixed: User choice of unpacker (e.g. via context menu from internal association) was ignored in plugin auto-installer, using the default unpacker for that extension (32/64)
13.12.19 Fixed: "Edit comment" dialog had dark scrollbars in normal mode on Windows 10 1809 and newer (32)
13.12.19 Added: cm_rereadsource 2 re-applies automatic view mode change to current directory (cm_rereadsource 3 also forces a refresh if nothing has changed) (32/64)
13.12.19 Fixed: Opening *.url files pointing to https urls no longer worked (32/64)
13.12.19 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Color - Preview: Synchronize dirs preview wrong (e.g. black on dark background) for selected equal files (32/64)
13.12.19 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Equal sign color wrong (black instead of white) when using dark custom selection background color (32/64)
12.12.19 Fixed: Updated unrar.dll and unrar64.dll to latest version 5.80.0 (5.80.3 was a pre-release version) (32/64)

сергей 999s

Total Commander 9.50 beta 11

30.12.19 Fixed: Dark mode, classic theme: Moving mouse cursor away from combobox sometimes didn't change the border from focused to normal (32/64)
30.12.19 Fixed: ESC in F5 copy dialog caused an unwanted beep from Windows 10 1909 (64)
30.12.19 Fixed: Internal associations: when using **internal_sha as "open" command, also allow the extension in menu Files - Verify checksums (32/64)
29.12.19 Fixed: Unpacking RAR with Alt+F9 didn't unpack directory attributes like "hidden", which worked when unpacking with F5 from open archive (32/64)
29.12.19 Fixed: Unlock or permanently lock tab which was set to "locked with directory changes allowed" in a different directory -> change tab header to that new directory name (32/64)
24.12.19 Fixed: Some buttons like F7/F8 buttons in copy dialog (F5) were still dark after starting with dark mode, using F5 once, and then switching to normal mode (Windows 10 1903) (32/64)
24.12.19 Fixed: Find files, F2 search in found files/folders: 'Everything' option must be ignored, it could lead to duplicate search results when nested directories were in the previous results (32/64)
23.12.19 Fixed: GDI leak (font) when opening and closing any dialog with comboboxes to which WM_SETFONT was sent (bug in Windows 10 1909 but not 1803) -> explicitly delete the edit box part with DestroyWindow (64)
22.12.19 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Color, Windows 7, default theme: Preview of synchronize dirs selection text color for equal items was wrong, should be white on blue (32/64)
22.12.19 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Color: Wrong color of "default" item when the list was open but the "default" item wasn't focused (32/64)
22.12.19 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Edit/View: Don't draw vertical separator as line, instead draw two overlapping boxes side by side to fix overlapping lines (32/64)
20.12.19 Fixed: Configuration - Options - View Mode: "Additional sort orders" picker added wrong numbers 3, 4 etc. for custom columns instead of 101, 102 etc. (32/64)
20.12.19 Fixed: Compare by content: results still couldn't be scrolled with the mouse wheel when using the option "Scroll inactive windows when I hover them" was enabled while Total Commander's main window was in the foreground (32)
20.12.19 Fixed: cm_RereadSource with parameter didn't work combined with other commands, e.g. cm_FocusTrg,cm_RereadSource 2  in internal command (32/64)
20.12.19 Added: Internal associations: **internal_sha uses internal "Verify checksums" function for user-defined types, e.g. for *.sha256sum (context menu: only first selected) (32/64)

сергей 999s

Total Commander 9.50 beta 12

08.01.20 Release Total Commander 9.50 beta 12
08.01.20 Fixed: Dark mode: Ctrl+C in message box now handled in "key down" event instead of "key up" event (32/64)
08.01.20 Fixed: Dark mode: Combobox with no item selected (e.g. drive combobox after "Feed to listbox") not dark (32/64)
08.01.20 Fixed: Main window closed when aborting FTP connection to not responding server by pressing ESC twice (64)
08.01.20 Added: Further improved speed of switching between directories within a large archive (32/64)
08.01.20 Fixed: Going back to a different directory within an archive via history was re-reading the entire archive (32/64)
07.01.20 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] ForceDarkModeOptions=2: Same as 3, but use dark title bar (32/64)
07.01.20 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] ForceDarkModeOptions=3 disables Windows 10-specific dark mode functions and uses compatibility mode from older versions (32/64)
07.01.20 Fixed: Dark mode, Windows 10 1809 or newer: Turn on separate tree, switch from ligh to dark mode -> scrollbars were not changed to dark (32/64)
07.01.20 Fixed: Tooltips for very long file names (option "Win32 style tips disabled") had wrong font size on high DPI screens (64)
07.01.20 Fixed: Dark mode: When using option "Only when enabled for Windows 10 apps" and changing the color with cm_SwitchDarkMode, any settings change in Control Panel like in regional settings switched back to the default app color (32/64)
07.01.20 Fixed: Parameters /O /P=R didn't put focus on right panel if the already running copy of Total Commander was minimized (64)
06.01.20 Fixed: Do not show an exception "WMSize loop detected" when resizing a control fails, e.g. when moving the main window between two screens with different DPI (64)
06.01.20 Fixed: Unlock or permanently lock tab which was set to "locked with directory changes allowed" in a different directory -> only change tab header to that new directory name if the tab didn't have a custom title (32/64)
05.01.20 Fixed: Configuration dialog: Quick search in left list of categories no longer worked as in older versions (32)
05.01.20 Fixed: Dark mode: Separate tree was using the wrong background color (main window background instead of file list background (32/64)
03.01.20 Fixed: Menu bar color wrong (missing theme background) on Windows XP after switching from dark mode to normal mode (32/64)
03.01.20 Fixed: Font leak in Configuration - Options - Color - Others, in the title bar preview (64)
31.12.19 Added: Faster loading of large archives, and faster switching between directories within that archive (32/64)

сергей 999s

Total Commander 9.50 beta 13

15.01.20 Fixed: Use simulated dark mode also on Windows 10 1809 and later if scrollbars with theme "DarkMode_Explorer" aren't dark, otherwise we will sometimes get white on white context menus (32)
15.01.20 Fixed: Icons defined via internal associations were lost when changing any color settings or switching between dark and normal mode (32/64)
15.01.20 Fixed: Dark mode: Added a second, shorter timer for overdrawing listbox scrollbar (32/64)
15.01.20 Fixed: Ctrl+Alt+Q in quick search dialog closed it (32/64)
15.01.20 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: "By content" option didn't work with internal 7zip unpacker, only with 7zip plugins (32/64)
15.01.20 Fixed: Dark mode: Disable themed cursor by default on Windows XP, because it would show light gray text on white background (32/64)
15.01.20 Fixed: Dark mode: Listbox scrollbars couldn't be used on 32-bit Windows XP (32)
14.01.20 Fixed: High DPI screen with 200% scale: Some menus had wrong font size or line spacing, e.g. list of redefined hotkeys in Configuration - Options - Misc, or Change>> options in button bar dialog (64)
13.01.20 Fixed: UnRAR: Ignore codepage override options if the archive contained Unicode names (32/64)
13.01.20 Fixed: Drag&Drop to breadcrumb bar, move cursor outside of dropdown panel, release mouse button -> forbidden cursor remained (64)
13.01.20 Fixed: Dark mode: HTTP download in background (via Ctrl+N, paste URL) had some non-dark elements (32/64)
13.01.20 Fixed: Dark mode, drive combobox disabled, non-flat drive buttons: Border around label and free/total space on drive wasn't drawn until the window was resized (64)
12.01.20 Fixed: With overlay icons enabled, some .lnk files in archives didn't have the link icon (32/64)
12.01.20 Fixed: Option TreeTriangles in section [Colors] was ignored after recent fix (Show
  • icons to expand tree nodes). Note: TreeTriangles in [ColorsDark] is only used in Windows 10 1809 and newer (32/64)
    12.01.20 Added: Lister: RTF files: Allow to also switch to internal RTF viewer by pressing '4' in a lister plugin (32/64)
    12.01.20 Fixed: Folders in archive subdirs sometimes had refresh icon instead of normal folder icon (32/64)
    12.01.20 Fixed: Synchronize dirs with archives (e.g. 7zip): Compare by content no longer worked in at least partially uppercase subdirectories (32/64)
    10.01.20 Fixed: Dark mode: some checkboxes in "Create checksum file(s)" had black text on black background when using classic theme (32/64)

сергей 999s

Total Commander 9.50 release candidate 1 (RC1)

22.01.20 Fixed: Mouse cursor didn't jump to default button when this option was enabled in control panel - mouse (32/64)
22.01.20 Fixed: Lister: When using "Define view method by file type" to assign *.txt to text mode (1), switching to next/previous file also showed image files as text (32/64)
22.01.20 Fixed: Dark mode: Hovering with mouse over "Files" menu didn't highlight it (32)
22.01.20 Fixed: Find files: Allow to start search in a directory where SetCurrentDirectory fails (32/64)
22.01.20 Fixed: Pack files (Alt+F5) resulted in a CRC error when the entered archive name ended with a space (32/64)s
22.01.20 Fixed: Tree button was not shown in FTP download dialog (32/64)
22.01.20 Fixed: Tree button was shown in FTP upload dialog for some servers (32/64)
22.01.20 Added: Tell lister plugins with ListSendCommand also when switching between dark and normal mode (32/64)
21.01.20 Fixed: Uploading to file system plugin (e.g. cloud) in the background: refresh after upload was stealing focus from active popup window (32/64)
20.01.20 Added: Menu item "Dark<->Normal" to "Configuration" menu, hidden if dark mode is disabled (32/64)
20.01.20 Fixed: Crash when downloading files >16kBytes from certain proftpd versions, which initially sent more data than the schannel sample code could handle (32/64)
20.01.20 Fixed: External search with Alt+Shift+F7: "Only search in selected files/directories" only worked for first search (32/64)
20.01.20 Fixed: Couldn't switch to plugins with '4' key when viewing RTF file with Alt+Shift+F3 (32/64)
19.01.20 Fixed: Access violation when moving Alt+F10 tree dialog between screens with different DPI, or opening it on secondary screen with different DPI (32/64)
19.01.20 Fixed: Switch /A (don't open archives) together with /O (open in running program) only worked with one archive parameter (32/64)
19.01.20 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: "By content" option still didn't work with internal 7zip unpacker with the archive in the right panel. Also detect solid 7zip archives (32/64)
19.01.20 Fixed: Dark mode: Don't turn off tree triangles when setting ForceDarkModeOptions=2 (32/64)
17.01.20 Fixed: Windows 10 1809 and newer: Change context menus drawn by Windows (e.g. file properties) between light and dark mode: call FlushMenuThemes(), function without parameters (index 136) from UxTheme.dll (note: on Windows 10 1809, dark context menus only work when apps are set to dark mode) (32/64)
15.01.20 Added: Tell lister plugins with parameter lcp_darkmodenative=256 when using native dark mode (in addition to lcp_darkmode=128) (32/64)